

Lying in a bend of the Livenza river, the Barchessa was the centre of one of the largest farms in Torre di Mosto, whose property extended over 450 hectares of cultivable land.

Each landed estate consisted of a manor house, a warehouse for storing tools, and a barchessa.

In the past, it belonged to the Counts Giusti of Padua, who also owned the Paduan villa that bears their name where the armistice of World War I was signed, and was extended in 1927 by the Bravo company of Oderzo.

It later became the property of Count Leo De Lazzara Pisani and his grandchildren Conti Ferri.

The Barchessa was the most important building in the complex and was used to store cereals.

It has exposed brickwork and plastered parts, typical of farmhouse architecture.

Today it houses the Vintage Motorcycle Collection of Cesare Cappelletto, the current owner of the building.

The construction of the Villa dates back to the 19th century and served as accommodation for the landowner and the farmer.

Each room was heated by means of stoves or fireplaces known as ‘fogheri’. The renovation work involved only the interiors, leaving out the exterior walls or façades, in order to remain faithful to the original construction, now converted into tourist flats.

Where the swimming pool is today, there used to be a so-called ‘seese’, a huge terrace where grains were spread out in the sun during the day for drying and harvested at sunset.

The current site of the bistro was once called the ‘tezzon’ and was used to shelter wagons.

The small house next to the bistrot, called the ‘apellaia’ (apiary), was used to house bee hives.

Even then, the Barchessa was a state-of-the-art structure precisely because it was conceived as a modern farm, in that each space was divided according to the activity it was to perform:

  • the villa as a residence
  • the barchessa as a business;
  • the apellaia as an office;
  • the tezzon as a tool shed;
  • a small building detached from the other buildings used for storing inflammable materials.

Via Sant'Elena, 3 - 30020 Torre di Mosto (VE)

Barchessa Cappelletto e Collezione Cappelletto:

+39 327 279 5359

Barchessa Bistrot:

+39 393 205 8587

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